Flood-Proofing Your Property
The first thing to do is evaluation. Evaluate the property you have already set your eyes on whether it's an empty land or an already built building. Look out for some salient things like what is the news surrounding that particular location or community, what are the flood lines, What are the low-lying areas in the vicinity? Also take a visit to the site and take a particular interest in the kind of natural vegetation that grows on the land.
Those things will give you an indication, whether you'll have issues on the land, whether it's a high table issue or the place floods easily.
Another thing you have to pay attention to is to take a particular look at the base of the existing buildings. Do you see water marks at the base of the fence wall? That will give you an indication that you are headed for trouble
In addition, you'll want to use landscaping to your advantage. This an area where landscaping has a lot of functional use. You want to make sure that your property does not have too much hard landscaping. You want to make sure that your property does not have too much hard landscaping. You want to make sure that your property allows water to percolate easily when it rains in your area. So, use landscaping to control floods. You can also dig sands or pit around your property and slope the compound towards this pit. What will happen is that water will quickly drain off into this bit and soak it away
The next thing you'll want to look at is elevating your property. Obviously when you find yourself in a flood grown area, you'll have to lift up your property above the established flood line. If you can afford to put your building on stales, do that, you can also use earth buds to hide your building elevation. Make sure every electricial socket or switch is above the established flood line. You would'nt want to get electrocuted during a flood
Finally, if you already have the property aleady and you really love it then take up an insurance. Insure your property against the floods
But just a thought, what if you avoided this high-risk investment altogether? Is it possible? But if it's not and you've already fallen in love with the place and you've invested so much in the property, then we trust that the points we've shared with you will be of immense help to you.